Facebook's Weekly Page Update

I wanted to be one of what surely will be many Facebook Fan Page administrators to applaud a new offering from the social networking service.  Today I received a handy little email from Facebook called the “Weekly Facebook Page Update”.  Being an administrator on two of my own Facebook fan pages plus several more client fan pages, it’s sometimes hard to keep track of stats.  These new weekly updates do it all for you.  The email put all of my stats for the week in one easy-to-read list.  Here’s a sampling:

Here is this week’s summary for the Facebook Page: Sheltering Arms Physical Rehabilitation

+8 Fans this week (188 total Fans)

6 Wall Posts, Comments, and Likes this week (5 last week)

130 Visits to your page this week (101 Visits last week)

It gave similar stats for the fan pages for SleepBetter, EndGame PR, FightSMA, and all of the others I administer or co-administer.

I get a LOT of junk emails from social networking sites.  It’s nice to get one that, while unsolicited, is extremely useful to me!

14 Responses on “Facebook's Weekly Page Update

  1. I managed 10+ Pages and became aware of this via some connections of mine who have also received these Page Updates. Is this something Facebook is rolling out? I’m yet to receive them for any of my Pages I am Admin for. Just curious. 😉

  2. Steve Mullen says:

    Kirsty – I’m not really sure. I tried to find something from Facebook about it while writing this post, but came up empty handed. I just noticed this article this morning, which suggests it may be a test. Additionally, I did read elsewhere that on pages where there are multiple admins, not ALL of the admins are receiving the updates. Not sure why on that.

  3. Alex says:

    I received mine, but what I’m wondering is the time frame they’re using? I received it on a Wednesday, so does that mean it’s to the previous Wednesday? That seems like a pretty obvious piece of information to include. I’m confused why they didn’t.

  4. EndGame PR says:

    That’s a good question. My guess would be that you’re right — it’s the seven days prior to the day you receive the email.

  5. natasha says:

    I also got those and was wondering what you guys think those ‘page visits’ represent? Is it the same as unique visits, hits, total #of pages ppl visited altogether,…cause my number is surprisingly high I didn’t imagine that many people viewed my page…

  6. EndGame PR says:

    Natasha – My assumption has been that the “page visits” number is exactly what it sounds like … the number of times your page was visited. It’s most likely “page views”, to be exact. I doubt it’s unique visits, but I believe you can get that on your page stats on Facebook.

  7. Christina says:

    I have the same question as Alex. I don’t think you can assume that it’s the 7 days prior to when you receive the email because I just got another one today (on Monday). I can’t believe they didn’t think to include the dates that the data refers too. Also, since they didn’t provide the dates, the language “This week’s…” makes it more confusing if it actually refers to last week.

  8. …and I’m still waiting for mine and now an Admin for nearly 20 Pages!!

  9. EndGame PR says:

    20? Wow! Maybe yours takes two weeks just to compile?

  10. Nancy says:


    Very interesting conversation, and I am also wondering how to get updates fr ALL of the fan pages that I manage and not just two.

  11. Amy says:

    I have the same question as Alex. I don’t think you can assume that it’s the 7 days prior to when you receive the email because I just got another one today (on Monday). I can’t believe they didn’t think to include the dates that the data refers too. Also, since they didn’t provide the dates, the language “This week’s…” makes it more confusing if it actually refers to last week.

  12. Matt says:


    Very interesting conversation, and I am also wondering how to get updates fr ALL of the fan pages that I manage and not just two.

  13. Lee says:

    Despite setting up 3 fan pages, I only get weekly updates for one of them. So it’s not an ideal system. The update could go to any one of my fan page admins and it seems you cannot control who, and it’s not necessarily the person who set up the fan page. I’m still trying to figure out how to get the updates sent to me as the rightful person who should be getting it!

  14. Mylo says:

    Can I only set up to get weekly updates if I have a fan page? Why do I want a fan page anyway?

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