Startup BizCast #24 – A Business Plan for your Small Business (Gary Harpst)


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Small business owners, myself included, have a bad habit of getting so busy doing the actual work that pays the bills, that we don’t plan for the future. Having a clear business plan is a definite plus for anyone because it gives you a sense of what you’re working toward. My guest this week is Gary Harpst. Gary is the CEO of a business called Six Disciplines, which works with companies to help them develop good fundamental business practices. He’s also written a book called “Six Disciplines for Excellence: Building Small Businesses that Learn, Lead, and Last.” One of those six disciplines is planning, and we’ll talk with him in episode 24 about how to develop a great business plan for your small business.

In BizCast Brief, I have stories about the Fed’s lack of concern about small business loans, the best state for small businesses, and what companies are doing to keep their employees focused during the holidays.

Speaking of that keeping employees focused during the holidays — as I mention in the podcast, I want to hear how YOU are motivating your workers during this time of year when, let’s face it, we’d all rather be spending time with our families or doing our holiday shopping. Leave me a voice mail and I’ll use it in a December episode! The listener feedback hotline number is (206) 984-0860.

Links mentioned in this week’s episode:
Six Disciplines ( link for Gary’s book (

Startup BizCast is produced by EndGame PR Podcast Production. For more information on how your business can take advantage of the social media revolution, visit the podcast production page on the EndGame PR website.

Startup BizCast’s theme music is “Dangerous Toys” by George Fletcher’s Bourbon Renewal. The full version, along with other

4 Responses on “Startup BizCast #24 – A Business Plan for your Small Business (Gary Harpst)

  1. matsonian says:

    I just ordered a copy of Gary’s book and I am looking forward to sharing his ideas with our clients at QuickPlanner Plus helping them to better turn ideas and plans into success. Thank you for the podcast!

  2. Steve Mullen says:

    Glad you found it useful! Be sure to send in ideas for how to motivate workers during the holiday season. I’m hoping to use them in episodes coming up in the next few weeks.


  3. I went through this post and I almost agree to all the facts. I know that it is now too much late to put a comment here but hope that I will get some response. Some time we are not able to get the plan right and then plan B comes into effects. But there are some time that you plans just not come as good as you have thought. And this way many business owner fails in their attempts.

  4. I just ordered a copy of Gary’s book and I am looking forward to sharing his ideas with our clients at QuickPlanner Plus helping them to better turn ideas and plans into success. Thank you for the podcast!

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