Startup BizCast #3 – Continuing Education (Theresa Bryant)


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In episode 3 of Startup BizCast, a podcast providing small business advice and education from small business owners and other experts, we’re talking about how to improve yourself. Many small business owners have likely wanted to go back to school for a class or two in order to become better businessmen and women, but were worried they didn’t have the time or the money.

One solution to the problem is to take classes at one of the more than 1,200 community colleges in the U.S. Classes are affordable, and many schools have non-credit programs designed for entrepreneurs.

In this episode I interview Theresa Bryant, Vice President of Workforce Development at Tidewater Community College, one of the 23 schools in Virginia’s Community College System. She talks about some of the programs offered by most community colleges and how they’re useful for small business owners.

Links mentioned in this episode:

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