Startup BizCast #85 – New Tech for “Old” Jobs (David Marks)


Between hardware like mobile phones and new social media tools, there’s so much new technology coming out every day that it can be hard to keep track.   If you’re able to harness some of these tools, however, it can make your work more profitable and sometimes even easier.   The topic of this episode is “new tech for ‘old’ jobs”, or using technology to make it easier to do jobs that have been around for a while.   We talk a little bit about a handful of examples, and then bring in our guest, David Marks from PreQuence, a company that helps Realtors harness cell phone texting technology.

Links mentioned in this week’s episode:
Info about Steve Mullen’s presentation at the SBA workshop in Charlottesville
Spartx (
PreQuence (

Also, be sure to like EndGame Public Relations on Facebook!

Startup BizCast’s theme music is “Entranced” by Blake Emrys. The full version of the song, along with other music by the same artist, can be downloaded at Podsafe Music Network.

For more information on how your business can take advantage of the social media revolution, please visit