Startup BizCast #17 – Business Email Etiquette (Judith Kallos)


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In this episode of the small business podcast that’s shorter than your coffee break, we talk about etiquette. It’s not how to use your silverware or hold a teacup, but rather EMAIL etiquette. With email being used as a primary business communications vehicle, it’s important to know the rules. Ignoring or not knowing those rules can be a big negative, and could lead to loss of potential business.

My interview is with Judith Kallos, who runs the email etiquette website She’s also the author of several books, including the e-book “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Business Email Etiquette.” We talk about email etiquette rules and “dos and don’ts” for business email.

In this week’s BizCast Brief, a review of business news from the previous week, I have an update on the quarrel between Congress and the SBA over funding for women’s centers, plus news about a guilty plea in a federal small business loan fraud case and a survey pointing out that small business hiring is down.

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Startup BizCast is produced by EndGame PR Podcast Production. For more information on how your business can take advantage of the social media revolution, visit the podcast production page on the EndGame PR website.

Startup BizCast’s theme music is “Dangerous Toys” by George Fletcher’s Bourbon Renewal. The full version, along with other music by the same artist, can be downloaded at Podsafe Music Network.

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