EndGame PR Re-launches Dormant Small Business Advice Podcast
(Richmond, Virginia) — Social media PR firm EndGame PR today announced that it is re-launching a business advice podcast that has been dormant for nearly nine years.
From 2007 to 2009, EndGame PR President Steve Mullen produced 86 episodes of Startup BizCast, a podcast which provided a wealth of information and advice for small business owners and became one of the top business podcasts on iTunes.
Previously, Startup BizCast featured interviews with experts on various topics related to small business. Episodes generally lasted less than 15 minutes, with the suggestion that businessmen and women listen to them during a coffee break.
The “new” Startup BizCast will still help small business owners, but will be slightly different.
“New episodes will feature advice from EndGame PR on subjects like social media, public relations, and writing,” said Mullen. “Episodes will be about two to three minutes long, because while most people don’t take coffee breaks anymore, I figure everyone has time for two or three minutes to learn something.”
EndGame PR also announced that it has eliminated the dedicated website for Startup BizCast. New episodes as well as older shows can be found at https://endgamepr.com/startupbizcast/. The show is also available on iTunes, Google Play, and elsewhere.
The newest episode Startup BizCast, which will officially be called episode 87, will premier next week.
About EndGame PR
Founded near Richmond, Virginia in 2006 by veteran communicator Steve Mullen, EndGame PR is a full service firm specializing in social media management, content creation, website development, media relations services, and podcast production. For more information, please visit EndGamePR.com.